About Us
Acme is a partnership of complementary talents:
We are engineers, scientists, inventors, entrepreneurs.
We brainstorm, build, and implement. We deliver and deploy. Acme stuff just works.
We have broad experience, singular capabilities, collaborative strength.
Strategic Guidance: Government Program and Agency Interfaces
Deep experience: Major Systems Integration Strategies
Broad network: 30+ Programs, 11+ Agencies
Areas of Expertise
Directed Energy: Portable High Power Electro-Optical/Laser Systems; Laser and WV-Band Comms
Precision Acquisition, Tracking, and Pointing (ATP)
Emergent Optimization (Neural Nets, Genetic Algorithms, Swarm Logic)
Base Motion Characterization
HITL (Hardware in the Loop) Vibration and Acoustic Disturbance Emulation and Mitigation
Aeromechanical Systems
Rapid Prototyping and Tech Maturation
“Chase the possible until it isn’t…”

PROGRAMS: TEL, ATL, MATRIx, ABL, TRMS, ARMS, Denali, Pacific Sail, MDOS, ALTB, ELTF, WAVEPICS, Endurance, Black Dart, BOLT, DELTF, ELLA, ELSA, COLT, SpaceCom, SPIDERWorks, HEL-TD, Rapid Response, LID, CES, TPS, SOR, plus numerous national security-related programs.
AGENCIES: Air Force Research Lab, Sandia National Laboratory, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), DOE-Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC), Irregular Warfare Technical Support Directorate (IWTSD), US Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC), Missile Defense Agency (MDA), Naval Weapons Center @ China Lake (NWC), Naval Surface Warfare Center @ Dahlgren (NSWC), Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), High Energy Laser Joint Technology Office (HEL-JTO)
PATENTS (8): Directed Energy, Cable Effects, Large Deployable Structures, Tensioned Precision Structures, Launch Acoustic Mitigation, Loudspeaker Systems, Sound Modeling.
PUBLICATIONS: 75+ peer-reviewed and conference papers.